Evaluation of Signal-to-noise (S/N) of GC-MS Using Octafluronapthalene (OFN) in Scan Mode


Sensitivity is one of the main specification parameters of a Single Quadrupole GC-MS Instrument. Sensitivity can be defined as ability of the instrument to detect the lowest amount of analyte present in the sample matrix. Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) is the ratio of signal height to average noise in chromatographic system, which is used to estimate the lowest limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ).

Standards & solution

The GC/MS Sensitivity test standard Octafluoronaphtalene 1 pg/ul  is directly purchased from Restek #573251 


The instrument is tuned and calibrated as following:

Tab. 1. GC-MS Parameters

GC conditions
GC-MS system Q-Tek GC-MS 
Injector Split/Splitless (liner: Restek 4 mm x 6.3 x 78.5)
GC column (15m x 0.25mm; 250um)
Injection volume 1 ul
Injector mode Splitless; Purge 75 ml/min after  0.75 min
 Injector temp. 250°C
Carrier mode  Constant flow
Oven program                45°C                                     2min;

40.0°C/min    200°C,                     0.0min;

Total run time: 5.58

Carrier flow (He) 1.0 ml/min
МС interface temp   230°C
Detection parameters
Ionization source (EI)
Source 230°C
Solvent delay 3.0 min
Scan mode SCAN 50 – 300 Da / Scan
Multiplier(SEM) Atune+200v

 Analytical results and discussions

The Total Ion Chromatograms (TIC) was collected by injecting replicate injections of 1pg/μL of Octafluoronaphthalene (#573251) in GCMS as per the instrument conditions described above. The extracted ion chromatogram (EIC) of Octafluoronaphthalene was obtained by extracting the m/z 272 +/-0.1 Da. The Signal to Noise ratio for all the EIC chromatogram was calculated by using Q-tek Analytic v1.016® software. EIC showing signal to noise ratio achieved on Octafluoronaphthalene are annotated in the following figures: 

            Pic.1. EIC Chromatograms of 272 m/z  +/- 0.1 Da Octafluoronaphthalene


Tab. 2. Signal-to-noise ratio RMS

# Injection S/N rms Average value
1 2478 2611.17
2 2852
3 3572
4 2157
5 2357
6 2251



The average Signal to Noise ratio (S/N) were found to be 2611.17 after injecting 1.0 μL of  1pg/μL of Octafluoronaphthalene successively for 6 times. Consequently, based on the results obtained in the current studies, it can be concluded that the GC-MS instrument shows high sensitivity in term of S/N ratio in scan mode.